Untitled 02/06/11 Dark (left panel)
36" x 58" @ 300ppi; Adobe Illustrator CS4; digital painting/illustration. Left side of a two Panel set.

Untitled 02/06/11 Dark (left panel)
view full size: mattlindley.info/post/2011/02/06/Untitled-020611-Dark-left-panel.aspx
36" x 58" @ 300ppi; Adobe Illustrator CS4; digital painting/illustration. Left side of a two Panel set.
view full size: mattlindley.info/post/2011/02/06/Untitled-020611-Dark-left-panel.aspx
36" x 58" @ 300ppi; Adobe Illustrator CS4; digital painting/illustration. Left side of a two Panel set.