Candy Corn
Digital 3D Creature practice.
I wanted to practice my texturing and a little bit of sculpting. Specifically, I wanted to work on sculpting some facial features (nose, lips, and eyes) and getting a believable skin tone. Getting perfectly realistic results was not the intention, merely something plausable.

On my first pass, I was fairly happy with the overall sculpt. The skin, however, looked awful.

With a bit of work - and learning how to pull the texture I had started out of Blender and into Photoshop - I got the skin where I wanted. I also tracked the eyes, so I could get him looking wherever I wanted. I tried to rig his whole body, but I need more tutorials and practice. Each attempt left him horribly disfigured (for him, anyway). So, I gave up on the full rig.
I tried a first stab and an environment. However, the mood wasn't working for me. Aside from the crappy job I did on the ground, it just didn't match his skin. He seemed way too clean for an environment like this. Plus, it seemed a little depressing to put him in what was becoming a dungeon-esque setting. The poor guy obviously hasn't had an easy life, after all.

Final render. This seemed more in season and more appropriate to his character. Only now do I realize what he looks like. I can assure you that it was not intentional.