Vegas Bar Mitzvah
Contracted poster for a Vegas themed Bar Mitzvah
Vegas Bar Mitzvah
Contracted Works
Contracted Works
view full size: Work/EvanBarMitzvahPoster.aspx
36" x 48" @ 300ppi; RGB. Poster for Vegas themed bar mitzvah. The illustration of Evan was created from a photo (I do not know the name of the photographer, or I would provide website information). I created the "Evan" logo in Illustrator. The rest was done in Photoshop. (all CS4)
36" x 48" @ 300ppi; RGB. Poster for Vegas themed bar mitzvah. The illustration of Evan was created from a photo (I do not know the name of the photographer, or I would provide website information). I created the "Evan" logo in Illustrator. The rest was done in Photoshop. (all CS4)

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