Playing with Daz Studio and Photoshop/Illustrator
My first real adventure in combining a generated 3d human figure with artwork created in Photoshop & Illustrator.
I am Stardust
My first adventure in using Daz Studio, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop together
My first adventure in using Daz Studio, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop together
I found that the wonderful people that create Daz Studio 3D offer it for free. In my nerdish glee, I downloaded, installed, and began playing with it. Below is my first creation. I played with the male figure in Daz, then imported the generated TIF into Illustrator to do some processing, then brought it all into Photoshop for final processing and to create the rest of the scene.
The starfield is borrowed from another source ( - try as I did, I could not create a believable starfield on a canvas this large (33in x 52" @ 300ppi). The tutorials I've found online don't account for large canvas areas. If anyone knows of a good starfield tutorial that works on very large canvases, please let me know!
You can check out the full size (zoomable) image at
What do you think?
The starfield is borrowed from another source ( - try as I did, I could not create a believable starfield on a canvas this large (33in x 52" @ 300ppi). The tutorials I've found online don't account for large canvas areas. If anyone knows of a good starfield tutorial that works on very large canvases, please let me know!
You can check out the full size (zoomable) image at
What do you think?

[Update: 06/23/2011]: Here is my newest piece. This time I just used Daz Studio and Photoshop.
Fear - Diemos, Phobos, and Phrike
Fear - Diemos, Phobos, and Phrike

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33in x 52in @ 300ppi; Daz Studio 4, Adobe Photoshop CS4. Here, I'm thinking about the embodiments of fear in Greek mythology. I've attempted to represent an aspect of each of the three entities, using only a single man, in three poses. I'm not sure if I really achieved valid representations of each; but, it was an interesting exercise. I may try other Greek mythological figures.
33in x 52in @ 300ppi; Daz Studio 4, Adobe Photoshop CS4. Here, I'm thinking about the embodiments of fear in Greek mythology. I've attempted to represent an aspect of each of the three entities, using only a single man, in three poses. I'm not sure if I really achieved valid representations of each; but, it was an interesting exercise. I may try other Greek mythological figures.